Dear Schools Survey Taker,

Military Friendly® has been hard at work this new year. We have some exciting announcements below that we are eager to announce. Also below is the much anticipated 2020-2021 Military Friendly® Schools List release date. Before reading all of the exciting news, please take a quick survey so we can get your feedback and make changes for the upcoming cycle. (I promise it is not as long as the school survey)

  • 2020-2021 MFS List Release Date
    • We dedicate ourselves to accuracy and accountability. As you know, Ernst and Young ensures accuracy of our methodology and scoring. The survey is currently being analyzed – we expect a release mid-February.
  • Website Redesign and new Profiles 
    • We are hard at work redesigning to be more for the Veteran and Military Community. Also, Military Friendly® profiles are getting an overhaul and we are so excited to launch them using the Military Friendly® Schools of the 2020-2021 cycle! 
    • With the main website being designed for veterans and members of the military community to find organizations we have recognized, survey takers will be getting there own separate portion of the website dedicated to helping you complete the survey.
  • 2021-2022 Survey and Critical Dates
    • We have listened to feedback and have decided to make some changes to the survey and our timeline for this upcoming cycle. We will be pre-filling majority of your survey. We will ask that you update metrical and certain data points that need updated year-to-year only.
    • We will be keeping the survey open longer and making the due date well after Veteran’s Day.
      • 2021-2022 Military Friendly® Schools Survey Open: 7/20/2020
      • 2021-2022 Military Friendly® Schools Survey Close: 12/04/2020
  • Events we are attending: 
    • NAVPA 2020 
    • CCME 2020 
    • ACE2020
    • University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Veteran Transition Support Conference
    • Or any others you suggest!
  • Content for the Military Community: 
    •  We will be providing content based off of our lists for the military community. Articles like “Top 10 Small Community Colleges in Your State” or “Military Friendly programs with Nursing Paths”
    • We are excited to make our content more consumable for the Veteran and the Military Community

There is more to come in 2020, and this is just the start. I am very excited to work with all of you and can not thank you enough for your dedication to the military community. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns and please take the survey taker feedback survey so we can be better for you. 

Very Respectfully,

Josh Rosen 
Military Friendly® National Director 
Please click here to send me an email