Military Friendly® Employers: Gold Award

Military Friendly® Employers: Gold Award

Military Friendly® Employers are leading organizations that have earned the elite Military Friendly® designation. Our Military Friendly® Awards provide a more competitive view of how a company is performing. Gold Award winners have programs that scored within 20 percent of the 10th-ranked organization within a given category.

Learn more about Military Friendly Awards

For general questions, please contact the Military Friendly® team at

Marketing Assets for Gold Award Recipients

Brand Guidelines

We have worked tirelessly to create and support our federally trademarked Military Friendly® brand name and designations. Military Friendly® marks include, but are not limited to, the Military Friendly® name, logo, crest, and any word, phrase, image, or other designation that identifies the source or origin of any of our Military Friendly® products.

Download Your Gold Seal

For inquiries about the Military Friendly® logos and available formats for print and web, contact