Military Friendly logo
10000 to 24999
At Uber we’re reimagining the way the world moves for the better. That means being bold in our decisions and building for something bigger. For us, all of that starts with helping people go anywhere and get anything: cars, takeout, motorcycles, groceries, bikes, people, scooters, items, trucks, buses. It’s what we know and what we do best. And we do it at the speed of now.
Why we are a great place for Veterans to work
The MVP Program is Global and requires everyone to lean in and support. As we work to accomplish our goals, the MVP team has gone to great lengths to ensure teams across Uber are equipped to not only source and recruit talent from this diverse and underserved community, but also enable and empower hiring managers and people leaders to better understand the profiles and strengths an MVP brings to Uber.
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Certifications that military experience will be accepted for

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Partner Disclosure: We have a commercial relationship with this client, who sponsors some of the content on this profile. Our partnership with them allows us to continue providing quality content and services to our audience.

Military Friendly® Rating


Information Technology
Company Size
10000 to 24999