How to Leverage Recruitment Marketing to Employ Military Veterans

Recruiting and employing military veterans is not just a way to fulfill diversity and inclusion goals—it’s a smart business strategy. Veterans bring unique skills, leadership qualities, and a strong work ethic honed through years of military service. For companies large and small, understanding how to successfully market to and recruit veterans can provide a significant competitive advantage.

In this article, we’ll explore best practices for employing military veterans and how you can use recruitment marketing strategies to connect with top military talent through the Military Friendly® Talent Exchange (MFTX) and other services.

Why Employing Military Veterans Benefits Your Business

Employing veterans is more than a goodwill gesture; it’s a business decision that pays off in measurable ways. A report by the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) found that veterans have 10-20% higher retention rates than non-veterans, meaning less turnover and a more stable workforce. Veterans also bring leadership, problem-solving, and adaptability—skills essential to thriving in any industry.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, there are approximately 200,000 service members transitioning into the civilian workforce each year, making veterans a sizable and available talent pool. Leveraging their skills in areas such as project management, cybersecurity, and logistics can provide organizations with a workforce that is disciplined, reliable, and adaptable to challenging environments.

Best Practices for Employing Military Veterans

To effectively recruit and retain military veterans, here are some key best practices to follow:

1. Tailor Your Recruitment Marketing

Veterans and military spouses often bring a different set of experiences to the table, so your recruitment marketing must resonate with their unique backgrounds. Highlight aspects of your company’s mission that align with the military experience—like teamwork, leadership opportunities, and community impact.

  • Example: Create job descriptions that emphasize how the role involves leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork—core values veterans are familiar with.
  • Tip: Use military-friendly job boards such as the Military Friendly® Talent Exchange (MFTX), which connects vetted employers with military candidates.

2. Use Veteran-Friendly Language

Veterans may not always recognize how their military skills translate to the civilian workforce. Make sure your job descriptions are free from corporate jargon and clearly outline how military experience can be applied to the position.

  • Example: Instead of “team leader,” use terms like “squad leader” or “platoon sergeant,” which may resonate better with veterans.
  • Tip: Include keywords and phrases that veterans will understand from their military background to ensure your postings resonate.

3. Partner with Veteran-Focused Organizations

Organizations like Military Friendly® and Veteran Employment Services are invaluable in connecting companies with top military talent. Through MFTX, you can gain access to a vetted marketplace of military veterans, military spouses, and transitioning service members. These platforms allow you to search for candidates who are ready to bring their skills to your company.

  • Fact: Companies like Amazon and AT&T have established strong veteran hiring programs, leading to over 10,000 veterans hired by each in recent years.

4. Build a Veteran-Friendly Company Culture

Once veterans are recruited, it’s important to ensure that your company has a supportive environment for them to thrive. This includes onboarding programs that help veterans transition into civilian roles, mentorship opportunities with fellow veterans, and leadership development programs.

  • Best Practice: Include veteran-specific employee resource groups (ERGs) to help create a sense of community and support for new hires.
  • Stat: According to IVMF, 70% of veterans who are part of a structured onboarding program are more likely to stay with the company.

5. Target Veterans with Specialized Recruitment Campaigns

Veterans bring a unique set of skills that are often underutilized by companies unfamiliar with their qualifications. To maximize your recruitment efforts, consider launching specialized recruitment campaigns that directly target veterans. These campaigns should be focused on platforms and communities where veterans are actively seeking job opportunities.

How to Launch a Veteran-Specific Campaign:

  • Advertise on Military-Focused Job Boards: Utilize platforms like the Military Friendly® Talent Exchange (MFTX), where veterans and transitioning service members are actively looking for career opportunities. This ensures that your job openings are reaching a highly relevant audience.
  • Social Media Targeting: Platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook allow for hyper-targeted ads, enabling you to specifically reach veterans based on their location, military branch, or job history. Use images and language that resonate with the military community, such as highlighting teamwork, leadership, and mission-oriented roles.

How MFTX and Military Friendly® Services Can Help

At Military Friendly®, we specialize in connecting employers with top-tier military talent through our Talent Exchange (MFTX) platform. When you register for MFTX, you’ll receive access to:

  • Vetted Military Talent: Connect with candidates who have the right skills, experience, and clearances needed for your industry and your roles.
  • Customizable Search Features: Filter candidates based on criteria like military branch, rank, security clearance, and years of service to find the perfect fit.
  • Enhanced Branding: Elevate your employer brand as a military-friendly organization, signaling to candidates that you are committed to supporting veterans and military spouses.

Conclusion: Make Military Veterans a Key Part of Your Recruitment Strategy

Employing military veterans is not just the right thing to do—it’s a strategic move that can strengthen your company. By leveraging recruitment marketing strategies, you can position your organization as a leader in veteran employment while benefiting from a pool of skilled and reliable workers.

Ready to start? Take the Military Friendly® Pledge today and claim your free profile on the Military Friendly® Talent Exchange (MFTX).